

  • You Deserve to Smile


What you gain from volunteering

Personal satisfaction - By giving your time to underprivileged children and widows, you will gain a deep sense of satisfaction that you have helped bring joy to their otherwise harsh lives and increase the chance that they will be able to escape the cycle of poverty into which they were.

Personal attention - Because we are a growing organization, we can get to know you personally so we can most effectively harness your energy and the skills you bring to our activities. This allows us to give you the attention you may need if you have questions or encounter difficulties and ensure that you will have a positive experience with us.

Strong relationships - Working in small groups, you’ll have the chance to build strong relationships with fellow volunteers, the staff and the children in the communities we serve.

Fun - Through volunteering, you will meet new people and make many new friends.

Make a Difference - Help people. The impact that Avaldora Help Foundation volunteers make in the community cannot be overlooked.

Rights & Responsibilities

As a volunteer, you have rights and responsibilities. Avaldora Help Foundation believes volunteers are a vital human resource and commits to the appropriate infrastructure to support volunteer engagement.

Volunteers have the right to:

• Work in a safe & healthy workplace, to know about unsafe work and to refuse unsafe work

• A supportive environment in which to work and contribute

• Effective and meaningful volunteer involvement practices

• Have their say about their work and ideas regarding their role or program

• Provide feedback and receive feedback when requested and at regular intervals

• Ask for and receive support from their department/unit head when required

• Effective and meaningful volunteer involvement practices

Volunteers have a responsibility to:

• Act with respect for the cause, community, organization and its work

• Act responsibly and with integrity

• Fulfil the duties of the role as defined in the position description, efficiently and effectively

• Respect all policies in place

• Fulfil the duties of the role as defined in the position description, efficiently and effectively

• Notify their department/unit head if they are unable to fulfil their duties

• Recommend suggestions and changes if they determine any